Friday, May 26, 2017

How to Smart

"How do I smart?" - A human, 5 seconds ago.

I will now answer this question.

Step 1: Dumb.
In order to smart, you must first dumb. Without dumbing first, how can one know she is really smart? Else, she might think she is smart relative to whatever else, but by knowing what it's like to be dumb you may put it into perspective of what it is like on the intelligence scale of Dr. Heinz Doofenshmirtz. You will currently have no job, because you are incapable of doing so.

Step 2: Slightly less dumb.
The next step on the scale, and the next step in the guide. You must know what slightly less dumb is like, otherwise you cannot put it into perspective with what it is like to smart. You are now someone who writes stories of no importance but doesn't make money off of them.

Step 3: Below average.
You must below average before you can know what average is. Average, in general, is just a step above below average. So go to below average before you average. Otherwise, you are going to fast and you can't measure your progress. You now work at McDonalds.

Step 4: Average
This is where things get interesting. You can now think for yourself.. you're no longer a worker at McDonalds, you're now in retail.

Step 5: Slightly above average.
We all must grow slowly. Now that you are slightly above average, you can go to college. So you do so.

Step 5.55555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555:
You now must decide: What will you do with your life?

Step 6: Go to College.
Now that you know what you're going to do with life, you go to college, and you become an expert at it. However, you are no expert at life yet.

Step 7: Above average.
Good job, you are now above average. You're on your way to getting your dream job.

Step 8: Slightly above above average.
You just evolved again! You are now slightly above above average, meaning you're almost there. Just.. keep.. Trying.

Step 9: Above Above Average.
One more step! And you'll be there! Now, you can see your goal in sight. It's so close but so far.. Now all you have to do is- Oh. It's all done. Congrats. You are..

Step 10: Smart.
You now how your dream job. Congratulations, you have achieved your goal once and for all.

-- This guide was not made for anyone in particular but if you're interested in helping me make more guides, just go to the "How to Ask Questions" Page and ask away! I will make as many guides for people as possible ;)

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