(helpful guide #2?)
Alright, today's the last full day of school for me. I was thinking, "What would be a useful guide for everyone I know" and I found it. This guide was written in a smaller amount of time than the others I've lately made, so sorry if the quality isn't as high as the others. But either way, I'll stop stalling (as that lowers the quality further) and get right to the guide.
Step 1: Enjoy the time you have.
This step is the hardest, so that's why I put it first. You have to not think about how this could be the last time you EVER see this group of people. Of course, though, don't act like you're going to see them every day from now on. Be appreciative for the time you have, and try to spread happiness among the group.
Step 2: Talk about the Good 'Ol Days
This step is an expansion upon step 1. Its important for if you are going to enjoy the time you have, to reminisce in the past and not try to suppress these memories.
Step 3: Get in Contact
Find phone numbers, trade emails. Do whatever you have to do to get in contact. A good example for me is that I hate Snapchat, but since most of my friends are on Snapchat and it's a good enough messaging app, I'm going to use it to stay in contact. You do whatever you have to do to stay friends.
Step 4: Try to make friends with that one person you don't know
Even if they're known for being terrible, at least try. If it's all you do, you have to at least try to be friends. Else you're missing out on a potential friend, and that's not ok.
Step 5: Try to talk as much as possible to the people you got in contact with.
Now for a disclaimer, this doesn't mean be clingy. But try to not forget them. If you can, meet up in real life. Prove that it wasn't the last time for real. You can do it..
And that's all for today. I hope you enjoyed it! Yeah. Bye.
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