Saturday, May 13, 2017

How to have more Free Time

So, I've been in a car all day. Since about 5 AM, I have been sitting in a car. Now, times like these are times that I'm happy that this blog isn't popular yet. Alright, to the guide
Step 1: Become Rich
This step is incredibly easy, in fact I don't think I even need to explain it. It's so easy in fact, that I'm sure everyone is rich. Like, seriously, poverty doesn't exist! Whatever, you can do this I'm sure.

Step 2: Automate EVERYTHING
Literally everything! Automate crime, automate crime fighting, automate drug use and drug dealing, make it so everything is robots! This way everyone won't have to do stuff like crime and crime fighting, or drugs in general, because Robots will be doing that for then. That'll leave us to do the stuff we want to do, like office work, and farming.

Step 3: Invent the Singularity
Now, not a lot of people are ready. And by not a lot, I mean nobody's ready! Literally. You can't prepare for it. But you can at least make it happen! Go out there and do it! I know you can do it

Step 4: Success! You now have infinite free time.
You've become rich, you've automated everything possible, now you can go write your useless blog posts like me or whatever. Bye.

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